Dream job
20 october - 6 november 2022
ozasia festival
Artists: Kay Abude, Emma Do and Kim Lam, Makeda Duong, and Truc Truong
Curator: Sophia Cai
The relationship between women and work – domestic, corporate, physical, and otherwise – has gone through a drastic reimagining.
Curated by Sophia Cai and featuring work from Kay Abdue, Emma Do and Kim Lam, Makeda Duong, and Truc Truong, Dream Job examines the highs and lows of how, where, why, and for whom women work in the modern world.
By considering the unequal division of labour across gender and racial dynamics and divides, Dream Job challenges the popular notion of the ‘glass ceiling’, challenges stereotypes of white feminism, and poses vital questions about how women of colour are further marginalised in contemporary discussions of gender and (in)equality.
Makeda Duong, Shit Customers Say, 2021, wool, felt, floristry wire, 207cm x 46cm. Photography credit: Rosina Possingham, courtesy of Post Office Projects.
Kay Abude, WORK WORTH DOING, 2019, hand silk screen on linen sewn into garments and performed by staff at OzAsia Festival 2022. Photography credit: Cassandra Ackerman.
Truc Truong, A HOUSE MUST HAVE A ROOF, 2022, bleach on cotton drill, 120 x 250 cm each. Photography credit: Cassandra Ackerman.