The Four letter word
30 november 2019 – 14 february 2020, artbank, sydney

Artists: Rebecca Agnew, Bronwyn Bancroft, David Capra, Katthy Cavaliere, Leah Emery, Tori Ferguson, Hannah Gartside, Brendan Huntley, Anastasia Klose, Shivanjani Lal, Janelle Low, Tara Marynowsky, Spence Messih, Mirka Mora, Dhambit Mununggurr, Joe Ngallametta, Claudia Nicholson, Shaun O’Connor, Deborah Paauwe, Polixeni Papapetreou, Rachel Peachey and Paul Mosig, Katy B Plummer, David Rosetsky, Grant Stevens, Richard Tipping, Regina Wilson and Anne Zahalka.
Curator: Sophia Cai
Love is a slippery beast. Encompassing a range of expressions and affections spanning broader cultural, political and social institutions, love is a difficult concept to elucidate. What one considers love may not hold the same for others.
The Four Letter Word is an outcome of Artbank’s emerging curators program and brings together artworks from the Artbank collection as well as a number of select loans that examine the age-old question – ‘what is love’? The works in the exhibition explore a range of topics including intimacy, self-expression, vulnerability, identity and desire. Together, the works give insight into how the personal becomes politicised, and how something that originates as a feeling or abstract idea can take physical form and action.
Click here to read the hand-written love letter as curatorial essay
Love letter reading with writers June Miskell, Soo-Min Shim and Em Size on 13 February 2020.